There is probably no person in our country who would not face the phenomenon of corruption directly or indirectly, or at least have not heard about its cases from other people, or from media reports. Unfortunately, the sphere of health protection is indicated “traditionally” as one of the most endangered and eaten by this phenomenon. What does corrupt mean?
What is corruption?
We commonly say that it is bribery, or bribery. In fact, it is a more complex procedure. It may be appropriation of public property, for example, hanging a precious picture from a public museum on the wall of a private house. Or driving a business car for private holidays.
A doctor who makes you pay for admission to a hospital. An official who waits for a gift in exchange for faster consideration of the case. The driver of an old car, who proposes in the diagnostic station that he will additionally pay for a positive inspection of the car, although this is out of order. A deputy who demands that the provisions of the Act be amended so that they are beneficial to the company in which he is an employee or a member of the supervisory board. A company director who employs his relatives outside the procedures adopted (practices nepotism). Or a MP who puts in a word (meaning to practice cronyism) for his friends. Someone may want to get an additional benefit because the bank will grant us a loan on exceptional terms, or the president of a housing association will cause us to buy an apartment on preferential terms. Our company can apply for a subsidy, public or commercial order, to get it, we try to informally seek information that offers have been submitted by other bidders to give better conditions – corruption also occurs in the sphere of economic life.
Conditions conducive to corruption
- Relatively high share of state ownership, statist economy
- Lack of clear legal regulations, bureaucracy, high discretion of clerical decisions, complicated and regulating too many areas of life law
- Weak judicial power and justice
- Much power in the hands of officials; no or slight criminal liability for their decisions
- Lack of transparency in government decision making; non-regulation of lobbying issues
- Interactions within joint economic ventures between the state and private enterprises; unclear rules for conducting public tenders; privately conducted privatization processes
- The presence of numerous benefits, subsidies and benefits paid by the state
- Focusing the power of decision making, undemocratic regimes (centralization)
- Involvement of significant public funds in individual projects
- Closed clicks caring for their own interests, “old-boy” networks
- Poorly paid civil servants
- Apathetic and uninterested or uncritical and easily demosable, insufficiently involved in monitoring the sphere of political action
- Weak social bonds
- Lack of freedom of speech; lack of pluralistic, independent media monitoring authorities’ actions
- No social prevention programs.
- The giving side’s punishability (especially in the event of extortion of a bribe) means that concealing the fact of corruption is in the interest of both parties.
- Health care system financed from taxes.